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Module Documentation

This repository currently contains the following groups of modules:

  1. image processing modules (modules/image_processing)
  2. tracking modules (modules/tracking/)
  3. graph processing modules (modules/graph_processing)

Image Processing Modules

Nuclei Segmentation

The nuclei_segmentation module provides a process that takes a BaseDataSet instance with confocal microscopy images (RGB) showing stained nuclei as input. Subsequently, the images are grayscaled and re-scaled to the range [0,1] before nuclei are segmented via stardist.

Import the module into your pipeline script via

include { nuclei_segmentation } from './cellular-dynamics-nf-modules/modules/image_processing/nuclei_segmentation/'
Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 tuple(val, path) (basename, fpath)
2 stardist_probability_threshold val Floating point number defining stardist probability threshold.
3 min_nucleus_area_pxsq val Floating point number defining the minimum nucleus area (in \(px^2\)!). Segmented objects smaller than this will be removed.
4 parent_dir_out val Directory to which the resulting file will be published.

Basic Filter

Cell Approximation

Label Objects

Nucleus Displacement Index (NusDI)

The nucleus displacement index (NusDI) is defined to be the ratio of the distance of the nucleus centroid from the corresponding cell's centroid (\(\lambda_\text{0}\)) over the maximum possible distance (\(\lambda_\text{max}\)) of the two centroids. This maximum possible distance will be determined by converting the cell and nucleus outline to polygons (shapely.Polygon) and trying a plethora of nucleus configurations (translations & rotations).

\(\delta_\text{NusDI} = \frac{\lambda_\text{0}}{\lambda_\text{max}}\)


Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 tuple(val, path, path, path) (basename, labelled nuclei, labelled cells, graphs)
2 parent_dir_out val Directory to which the resulting file will be published.


Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 tuple(val, path) (basename, graph dataset with NusDI annotations)

Tracking Modules

Annotate \(D^2_\text{min}\)

The annotate_D2min module provides a process that calculates the cell motility measure \(D_\text{min}^2\). This measure quantifies non-affine movements of cells with regard to their neighbors by optimizing the strain tensor \(\pmb{E}\):

\(D^2_{\text{min}, i} = \text{min} \left[\frac{1}{N} \sum_{j \in \mathcal{N}_i} \left(\pmb{r}_{i,j}(t+T) - \pmb{E}_i \pmb{r}_{i,j}(t) \right)^2 \right]\)

Import the module into your pipeline script via

include { annotate_D2min } from './cellular-dynamics-nf-modules/modules/tracking/annotate_D2min/'
Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 tuple(val, path) (basename, graph_dataset_fpath)
2 delta_t_minutes val Floating point number defining the time (\(\Delta t\)) between two adjacent frames.
3 lag-times_minutes val String of comma-separated lag times (in minutes) the \(D^2_\text{min}\) measure should be calculated for.
4 mum_per_px val Floating point number defining the image resolution in microns per pixel (\(\frac{\mu m}{\text{px}}\))
5 minimum_neighbors val Integer defining the minimum number of successfully tracked neighbors needed for calculating \(D^2_\text{min}\). This should always be 2 or more.
6 parent_dir_out val Directory to which the resulting file will be published.

Annotate Cage-Relative Squared Displacement

The cage_relative_squared_displacement module calculates the cage-relative squared displacement (CRSD) defined as:

\(\text{CRSD}_i = \left[ \pmb{x}_i (t+\tau) - \pmb{x}_i (t) - \left\langle \pmb{x}_j (t+\tau) - \pmb{x}_j (t) \right\rangle_{j\in \mathcal{N}(i)}\right]^2\)

with \(\left\langle \pmb{x}_j (t+\tau) - \pmb{x}_j (t) \right\rangle_{j\in \mathcal{N}(i)}\) being the mean displacement vector of cell \(i\)'s neighbors.


Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 tuple(val, path) (basename, graph_dataset_fpath)
2 delta_t_minutes val Floating point number defining the time (\(\Delta t\)) between two adjacent frames.
3 lag-times_minutes val String of comma-separated lag times (in minutes) the CRSD measure should be calculated for.
4 mum_per_px val Floating point number defining the image resolution in microns per pixel (\(\frac{\mu m}{\text{px}}\))
5 parent_dir_out val Directory to which the resulting file will be published.


Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 tuple(val, path) (basename, graph dataset with CRSD annotations)

Annotate Neighbor Retention

Cell Tracking (Overlap Tracking)

Assemble Cell Tracks DataFrame

Concatenate Tracking DataFrames

This module combines the tracking dataframes from all processed datasets into a single big dataframe. The cell track IDs are adjusted such that they remain unique in the dataframe.


Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 val tracking_df_files_list
2 parent_dir_out val Directory to which the resulting file will be published.


Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 path "all_cell_tracks.ipc"

Graph Processing Modules

Structure Abstraction

Build Graphs

Annotate Graph Theoretical Observables

Calculate Local Density

A cell's local density \(\rho\) is defined to be the inverse of the mean cell area \(\bar{A}\) of the cell and its neighbors:

\(\rho_i = \frac{1}{\bar{A}} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{|\mathcal{N_i}| + 1} \left(A_i + \sum_{j \in \mathcal{N_i} }A_j\right)}\)

include { calculate_local_density } from './cellular-dynamics-nf-modules/modules/graph_processing/calculate_local_density/'


Argument Index Argument Name Argument Type Description
1 tuple(val, path) (basename, fpath)
2 parent_dir_out val Directory to which the resulting file will be published.